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Rehabilitation in the Valens Clinics

The Valens Clinics are a non-profit-making foundation specialising in the treatment of patients with functional impairments to the locomotor and nervous systems, cardio-vascular diseases, cancer/diseases of the internal organs, as well as psychiatric and psychosomatic conditions.

We have 12 centres where our patients receive inpatient rehabilitation, early post-acute rehabilitation and outpatient rehabilitation services, in a care and treatment setting individually tailored to their needs.



Valens Rehab Centre

150 beds | 460 employees Neurological rehabilitation, early neurological rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation

Valens Rehab Centre

Walenstadtberg Rehab Centre

64 beds | 190 employees Neurological rehabilitation, early neurological rehabilitation, orthopaedic rehabilitation

Walenstadtberg Rehab Centre

Rheinburg Clinic Walzenhausen

64 beds | 190 employees Neurological rehabilitation, early neurological rehabilitation, orthopaedic rehabilitation

Rheinburg Clinic Walzenhausen

Gais Clinic

200 beds I 350 employees Rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine, cardiac rehabilitation, psychosomatic rehabilitation and psychiatry

Gais Clinic

Chur Rehab Centre

32 beds I 65 musculoskeletal rehabilitation, rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine

Chur Rehab Centre

St.Gallen Rehab Centre

42 beds I 70 rehabilitation in the centre of St.Gallen, neurological rehabilitation, early neurological rehabilitation, geriatric rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine

St.Gallen Rehab Centre

Clinic Bad Ragaz

25 rooms I 46 employees Rehabilitation benefitting from the hotel services and facilities of the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz, with the clinical support of the Valens Clinics; Neurological, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine

Clinic Bad Ragaz

Outpatient Rehab Triemli Zuric

Neurological rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine

Outpatient Rehab Triemli Zuric

St.Gallen Outpatient psychosomatics

Psychosomatic and psychiatry, group therapies

St.Gallen Outpatient psychosomatics

Wald Clinic

Pulmonary rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine

Wald Clinic

Davos Clinic

Neurological rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine, psychosomatic rehabilitation and psychiatry

Davos Clinic

Lengg Clinic

Neurological Rehabilitation, competence centre for epilepsy, outpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation, sleep medicine

Lengg Clinic


Areas of specialisation

We offer holistic in- and outpatient rehabilitation and have service contracts with the Swiss cantons in the following specialist areas:

Neurological rehabilitation

Musculoskeletal rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine

Cardiac rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation

Geriatric rehabilitation

Psychosomatic rehabilitation

Long-Covid rehabilitation

Therapies – based on the latest scientific findings

At all our centres you will find a broad range of therapies and a wide-ranging team of medical specialists who are continuously developing their professional skills. Our therapists will examine you to obtain an accurate overview of your health problems and devise a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs.

All our departments involved in your case work together with you to establish the rehabilitation goals that will enable you to make improvements as quickly as possible. In weekly, multidisciplinary visits, under the direction of the senior consultant, we check whether the chosen treatment path is the right one for you. Your therapy programmes are based on the latest scientific findings; we can offer treatment with the absolute state-of-the-art equipment and are committed to making our findings available to contribute to the future development of this equipment.

Our multidisciplinary treatment team also includes members of our social counselling staff who will be able to determine social issues affecting patients and their relatives, so that these can be included in the therapy during their stay.

In anticipation of the time when you leave the clinic you will be given advice on social security matters, as well as support with regard to your employment situation, return to work or employment opportunities, organisation of respite services, arranging further care with specialist services, organisation and funding of assistance equipment and much more. The aim is for you to be able to remain directly focussed on your path to recovery during your stay.


Tehrapeut mit Patient im Trainingsraum

Our therapies and counselling services include:
(these may vary depending on the location)

  • Physiotherapy
  • Ergotherapy
  • Ergonomics
  • Sport therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Activity and creative therapy
  • Relaxation therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Neuropsychology and clinical psychology
  • Hippotherapy
  • Professional integration
  • Nutritional advice
  • Social counselling

Care – there for you all day long

The nursing care you receive is an equally important element of your recovery. As a patient of the Valens Clinics, you will receive targeted, individual support from the nursing team to encourage, maintain or regain your independence. Our guiding principle in this is: “as much help as you need, allowing as much independence as possible”.

We are guided by your needs and concerns which form the basis for holistic, needs-driven and professional rehabilitation care. Our care teams have sound professional expertise and work with everyone involved in the rehabilitation process across all disciplines and professions. The nursing staff are consistently guided by standard concepts (kinesthetics, Bobath, Affolter, F.O.T.T.) and apply them specifically in personal hygiene, positioning support and transfers and providing support in everyday activities.

The care programme that is needed is planned and regularly evaluated on the basis of the case history and a regular assessment of your individual self-care index. We ensure you are actively involved in the care process, as we want you to feel comfortable with us.

We work on the basis of the following care concepts:

  • Bobath concept
  • Affolter concept
  • Kinesthetics
  • Pain concept
  • F.O.T.T Facial Oral Tract Therapy
  • Nursing assistance to encourage mobility


What you can expect from us

For patients and their relatives, a stay in a clinic represents a step into the unknown and a significant departure from normal life. By putting our medical, therapeutic, nursing and human skills to good use, we aspire to making this challenging period something you can look back on as a good experience.

Our highly-trained, experienced staff are there for you round the clock: a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and therapists develops an individual programme for every patient and supports them throughout the recovery process – from the acute phase through to reintegration in their family, their profession and society.

Registration and cover of costs

You will be referred to one of our centres by your family doctor or specialist or your hospital. If your health insurance confirms cover, there is nothing else standing in the way of your admission. Your insurance will cover the cost of your stay with us, less your excess.

You do, of course, have the option of changing your treatment category. Privately insured patients, self-funded patients or those seeking to upgrade can enjoy more additional services in medical care, nursing and therapy and in the hotel services. The patient services team at the relevant centre will be happy to advise you.

Referring physicians


We specialise in the treatment of illnesses and the consequences of accidents in the following areas:

  • Neurological rehabilitation
  • Musculoskeletal rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitation after cancer and treatment in internal medicine
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Geriatric rehabilitation
  • Psychosomatic rehabilitation and psychiatric treatment
  • Long Covid rehabilitation

Undertakings to cover costs

Where referrals are made directly by the emergency hospital, the undertaking to cover costs is obtained through the referring hospital. In the case of elective referrals of patients who live at home or in a residential home, we would ideally liaise with your referring doctor to apply for funding. We will forward the referral letter in support of the referral for inpatient rehabilitation to the medical officer of the funding entity, together with our own letter.

For international referrals, please contact our Director of Patient Services:

Andrea Hohmeister

We look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible.


The research conducted at the Valens Clinics makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing development of the high-quality ranges of services we offer.

Some of the research projects are carried out with the involvement of different specialist departments and centres; the official research-coordinating body, the Clinical Trial Board, coordinates the research in the Valens Clinics and guarantees the involvement of all stakeholders.

Research projects

The Valens Clinics aspire to be an attractive employer for specialists interested in research and promote research projects if they offer added-value for our patients. Our attention is focussed on various key research areas, such as clinical assessments/clinimetrics, efficiency, healthcare research, patient interaction, pathophysiology, oversight, new treatment methods and technologies.

Our current research projects and opportunities can be viewed on our detailed research webpage under Research Projects (in German).

Key areas of research

Klinische Assessments/Klinimetrie, Effektivität, Versorgungsforschung, Patienteninteraktion, Pathophysiologie, Neue Behandlungsmethoden, Neue Technologien, Übersichtsarbeiten.


For extracts from our scientific publications, please refer to:

Research principles

  • Research topics should be relevant to rehabilitation in the Valens Clinics.
  • Research at the Valens Clinics is not-for-profit, in principle.
  • The designated project managers are primarily responsible (in both technical and legal aspects) for each individual project.

About us

Rehabilitating people – what does that really mean? If we had to answer that question in one sentence, we would say: We help people get their life back after a serious illness or an accident. That sums it up well. But: Not everyone involved will have the same idea of what they expect from it.

It becomes even more difficult when we try to express what it takes to be able to rehabilitate a person successfully – or the ideas, thoughts and concepts behind that process. We have worked with our employees to formulate a rehab philosophy, made up of several chapters, for the Valens Clinics.

  • Brief statements from our rehab philosophy and our mission and vision are shown here:

“We help people to get their life back after a serious illness or an accident.”

Rehab Academy

The Rehab Academy offers employees, individuals with a professional interest, patients and relatives a diverse training and development programme that aims to develop both professional and personal skills and helps them meet the challenges of everyday working life with effective, professional expertise.

Our specific goal is to strengthen our course participants’ leadership, social, personal and methodological skills. We look forward to welcoming you and giving you the opportunity for self-advancement with our high-quality, practical and well-designed range of courses.

We pass on our experience and knowledge and maintain an extensive network with universities, doctors and scientists. The Rehab Academy is a platform for international symposia and a think-tank for everyone who is looking for something more.

Link to the (German) page of the Rehab Academy.

Jobs and Careers

We as an employer

To enable us to retain our employees in the long term, we have endeavoured to create employment conditions that support them in their work-life balance. Personnel services at the Valens Clinics are also committed to clear leadership, promotion of innovations and maintaining the image of an attractive employer in the market place.

Our perception of ourselves is also based on a number of shared values and qualities which guide us in our daily interaction with our patients, and also with one another.

Read here about the
benefits you can expect at the Valens Clinics (page in German),

have a look at the
vacancies that are currently available, or

send a speculative application to our personnel team:
Your contact person